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I like it, one problem, the full screen is broken


Would it be so hard to make disabling farts as a setting. Not everyone is into plug stuff... but pretty good game none the less, (and some new poses wouldn't be totally bad too~ but mainly just disabling farts in settings.)


If you don't remember what I've requested before, I'll say it again. Not because I'm mad at the update not having it, but because I feel like the niche audience that also wants these things are frothing at the mouth.


Sliders (idk if they're already added and i just cant find them or they aren't implemented yet)

Donut (you could also add the food)

Here's another few ideas I have as well:


Different poses and camera angles

credits for people that give you the ideas to make these things


Could you help me? How does Cork work on Android and how do I put it on my Eevee? 


Can confirm, looks like the cork works on the online copy of the game, but doesn't work in the offline version. When trying to place the cork in, it doesn't "snap" into place like it does in the online copy, so it doesn't prevent farts. Looks like this is an issue with both characters, too?

PC, Windows 10, currently using Opera GX, even if I hate this browser, haha.

Thank you for your feedback, we've been trying to figure out where people have been experiencing this!

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